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The Student Journal Club is organized entirely by students. Each week the student host of the Neuroscience Seminar Series presents a paper from the laboratory of the seminar speaker. The goal of the journal club is to create an open venue for friendly but lively scientific discussion. First year students are required to attend. Refreshments are provided.
Research Rounds is a weekly seminar course that meets in Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, in which graduate students beyond their second year in the program present their current research. Students engage in scientific discussion as well as constructive criticism on the presentations meant to enhance the skills of both the audience and presenters. All members of the neuroscience community are welcome to attend these presentations.
This purely social event for students and faculty welcomes first-year students to the program and is held during Fall Quarter.
The graduate program organizes a retreat each spring that fosters interactions among program faculty and students. The retreat is typically held off campus over a weekend and features lectures, discussion groups, and social events.
The Neurosciences Graduate Program typically hosts quarterly happy hours in celebration of the arrival of new students, holidays, and the end of the academic year.