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Summer Internship Program

The Neurosciences Graduate Program pffers a summer internship program for in-candidacy doctoral students. These internships are designed to give our Ph.D students the option to explore careers outside of academia. 


Internships are contingent on the approval of the student's advisor and Program Director. The student must seek the internship independently and the graduate program will configure their student file to attend the internship


Application Process

Eligibility Criteria: The Ph.D student must have advanced to candidacy prior to the summer internship. 

All applicants must have approval of their thesis advisor and the program director. Once approved for the internship, please email the program administrator to route the verification documents



Student Experiences

  • Andrew Bender | Neurocrine

    Andrew Bender | Neurocrine

    Summer 2024 I "This internship provided substantial insight into what a career in biotech/pharma might look like, an invaluable experience for me as a PhD student set on working in industry after graduating."

  • Yuru Song | Meta

    Yuru Song | Meta

    Summer 2024 | With my internship at Meta, I am exposed to industrial level problems and career options outside of academia